Yinhawangka Cultural Sharing

Terra Rosa CRM is very proud and excited to be involved in a number of unique and inspirational community projects across Western Australia. A recent community project which was facilitated by Terra Rosa CRM took place at the cultural treasure of Nyimili.

Nyimili is a highly culturally significant hill in the Pilbara that lies within the Yinhawangka people’s traditional land. The range in which Nyimili is situated is a large site complex comprised of many important archaeological and ethnographic sites as well as a natural habitat for culturally significant plants and animals. The area is also significant to other Traditional Owner Groups such as Thalanyji, Nyiyaparli, Guruma and Banjima.

Terra Rosa CRM were engaged to work in partnership with the Yinhawangka people to develop a strategy to record, manage and protect sites and stories around Nyimili.

As a first step, Yinhawangka people took Terra Rosa consultants out on two field trips to the area in June and July 2014. Our consultants operated under the leadership and guidance of Yinhawangka people to support them in carrying out the project. During the field trips the teams visited a number of significant sites and recorded ethnographic information about them. Panoramic images and video footage was captured to document the range and to be used to bring back accessible information to the community.

Team photo 2

Trip 1 Group


Trip 2 Group

Further steps in the project will involve Terra Rosa CRM contributing to communicating the importance of the range through various innovative media. We will also work with the Yinhawangka people to assist in providing a framework in which to combine natural and cultural resource management into one overarching program. The Nyimili project comes at a crucial time where more than ever there is a need to preserve and treasure knowledge for future generations to come.



Domonic Family 2012




Domonic Family 2012

Domonic Family 2012

