Palyku elders take BC Iron on a cultural tour across country

Following the success of the first cultural mapping trip in October, Palyku men and elders from the inland Pilbara invited senior executives and representatives from BC Iron to travel across country visiting places of cultural significance whilst sharing traditional bush tucker and stories. BC Iron has generously supported the project to help the Palyku people and Nullagine community document the cultural knowledge and social histories across the region. During the week our Terra Rosa team facilitated the camping tour with nine senior men and explored the country west of Nullagine around the Coongan and Shaw rivers.


We met BC Iron on the Wednesday and travelled out to Bamboo Springs and Nymerina Spring, catching some maruntu (yellow goanna) along the way.

Colin Crusoe wrestling with the maruntu
Unwilling to give up too easy, the maruntu claws in as Lindsey Yuline has a go
Unwilling to give up too easy, the maruntu claws in as Lindsey Yuline has a go
BC Iron gather round to admire the maruntu
BC Iron gather round to admire the maruntu

The cultural tour provided an opportunity for senior executives to learn about indigenous connections to land, people and animals. Traditional Owners shared their experiences working across the different worlds that encompass customary laws, government regulations and commercial interests.

Nyaparu Landy speaking with BC Iron chairman Tony Kiernan
Nyaparu Landy speaking with BC Iron chairman Tony Kiernan
Stanley Ball speaking with BC Iron’s Chief Financial Officer Chris Hunt
Stanley Ball speaking with BC Iron’s Chief Financial Officer Chris Hunt
Fred Stream speaking with BC Iron’s heritage manager Mikayla Banks
Fred Stream speaking with BC Iron’s heritage manager Mikayla Banks

As storm clouds gathered across the sky, Traditional Owners put on a spread of bush tucker and prepared the day’s catch of maruntu and emu, sharing tips on local cooking practices and regional differences.

Walter Stream explaining how to prepare the maruntu
Walter Stream explaining how to prepare the maruntu
Nyaparu Landy preparing lunch
Nyaparu Landy preparing lunch
BC Iron with the Traditional Owners
BC Iron with the Traditional Owners

Terra Rosa would like to thank the Palyku Traditional Owners for inviting us to help facilitate and record many special places across the country. We would also like to thank BC Iron for supporting the Palyku Cultural Mapping project. It is rare and unique for a group of senior men to come together, share stories and record places across country. This will be an invaluable resource for the future and will ensure that cultural knowledge is preserved, maintained and protected for generations to come.