After the last year of introducing Sustainability into our core business, we are pleased to launch our Sustainability Statement, along with our 2022 Climate Clever Carbon Footprint Report. We are excited to share where we currently stand in terms of our Carbon Footprint, and our long- term commitment to being a more Sustainable business and […]
How do you feel about doing some heritage work in Queensland, perhaps on the Great Barrier Reef? How could any heritage consultant say no to that? With bags packed with work boots, cameras, Nodal Ninjas, bathers and sunscreen, the Terra Rosa team of Scott and Anne headed for Queensland to spend a week examining the […]
Gidarjil Land and Sea Rangers with TR's Scott and Jade Taking a break from turtle and mangrove monitoring, 13 trainee Indigenous Land and Sea Rangers crammed into the Gidarjil bus and headed out with Terra Rosa to The Narrows Quarry, a spectacular Aboriginal quarry site around 45 minutes north of Gladstone. The quarry boasts countless [...]
One of the most exciting community projects undertaken in 2015 was the Nyimili Project (Stage 2). The Nyimili Project was instigated as a result of the Yinhawangka Community expressing their concern about the potential impact of mining and development on Nyimili and the associated range. Nyimili is considered to be of outstanding cultural significance to […]
If there is one thing we know by now it’s that the more time we spend on the Nyimili range, the more spectacular it proves to be! Following on from findings such as ochre paintings, engravings and wooden artefacts the team went on to identify numerous more scarred trees and rockshelters with cultural materials in […]
Yinhawangka representatives and the Terra Rosa environmental team recently completed an initial environmental survey of the Nyimili Range. Using equipment like motions sensor cameras and Bat call detectors at several sites around the ranges, including caves, breakaways, and water pools, it was hoped to record the presence of some conservation significant species such as the […]
Roy Tommy demonstrating the use of one of the fire sticks to Stuart Ingie Jnr at a rockshelter. The Nyimili Range community project continues! Frida, Kirsty and Denis from Terra Rosa have spent the last week back in Tom Price with the Yinhawangka Traditional Owners, continuing the investigation and recording of the heritage values of [...]
Terra Rosa is pleased to announce a successful Indigenous Land Corporation funding application, submitted on behalf of the Jidi Jidi Aboriginal Corporation (JJAC), to develop a Caring for Country Plan. This covers areas of unallocated crown land within the Nharnuwangga Wajarri and Ngarlawangga (NWN) native title determination, including the Collier Range National Park. Located in […]
We took some time to speak to our new Environmental Manager Darren Graham and learn about his background environmental work, his role at TR and his thoughts on the future of land management. 1. What are you hoping to bring to the Terra Rosa Consulting team? I bring with me a diverse background with [...]
By Nerida Haynes For us, country is a word for all the values, places, resources, stories and cultural obligations associated with that area and its features. It describes the entirety of our ancestral domains. All of it is important - we have no wilderness, nor the opposite of wilderness, nor anything in between. Country is [...]
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