Lets discuss… The Voice to Parliament.
This Saturday the 14th of October Australia will be heading to the polls to vote in the referendum to change the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing a body called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. Voters will be asked to vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on a single question. The […]
The new heritage legislation in WA, what does it mean?
The new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 (ACH Act) will become operational from July 1st 2023, launching the Western Australian heritage industry into significant and long overdue reform. One of the most important aspects of this reform is in the recognition of Aboriginal people as the custodians of their cultural heritage, who have clear consultation […]
TR trains an Indigenous heritage team
The TR Foundation seeks interns and volunteers for 10-week program
Volunteer / intern placements in not-for-profit Foundation based in Fremantle The organisation The TR Foundation was established in 2016 as an avenue for assisting Traditional Owner groups to fulfil their cultural and community development aims. The Foundation currently supports Traditional Owner groups to return to country, record important cultural sites and express cultural information through […]
Terra Rosa begins Healthy Country Initiative in partnership with QLD Traditional Owners
How do you feel about doing some heritage work in Queensland, perhaps on the Great Barrier Reef? How could any heritage consultant say no to that? With bags packed with work boots, cameras, Nodal Ninjas, bathers and sunscreen, the Terra Rosa team of Scott and Anne headed for Queensland to spend a week examining the […]
Nyimili Interactive Journey Launch
Today we are excited to announce the launch of the Nyimili Interactive Journey website. Terra Rosa and the members of the Yinhawangka community have been working co-operatively on the Nyimili Project since 2014. A significant milestone in the project, the website explores the significance and history of the Nyimili Range through information captured on the […]
Gidarjil Indigenous rangers train with Terra Rosa to measure Gladstone’s heritage health!
Palyku elders take BC Iron on a cultural tour across country
Following the success of the first cultural mapping trip in October, Palyku men and elders from the inland Pilbara invited senior executives and representatives from BC Iron to travel across country visiting places of cultural significance whilst sharing traditional bush tucker and stories. BC Iron has generously supported the project to help the Palyku people […]
The adventures at Nyimili continues
If there is one thing we know by now it’s that the more time we spend on the Nyimili range, the more spectacular it proves to be! Following on from findings such as ochre paintings, engravings and wooden artefacts the team went on to identify numerous more scarred trees and rockshelters with cultural materials in […]