TR’s Top 5 Moments in 2021!

From awards, interstate expansions, birthdays and more, 2021 was nothing short of exciting and eventful for Terra Rosa. To celebrate, we’re taking a trip down memory lane and looking back at our top five moments from the past year.

1: Fremantle Business Awards:

One of the most exciting moments for us here at TR in 2021 was winning at the Fremantle Business Awards. Coming home with the Excellence in Professional and Service Industries award, we were honoured to have been selected for this prestigious title. 

Our proudest moment, The Fremantle Chamber of Commerce stating TR is a “cultural heritage consultancy [that] lives their strategic goals of genuine partnerships, co-management and capacity building”, this recognition was an unforgettable accomplishment for the team and the work we do here at TR.

2: Noongar Translations: 

This year we also launched a new series on our social media platforms. If you follow us, you would have seen our Noongar translation posts where we worked with Sandra Harben and photographer @pippily_photographer to create educational content and share some of the local language with our audience.  

3: 11th Birthday: 

2021 also saw Terra Rosa turn 11! Our founder and CEO Scott launched the consultancy in 2010 and we have continued to grow, with over 60 heritage consultants working across Australia; with offices in Fremantle and Adelaide. 

With our rapidly growing team, we are now able to carry out our heritage work to benefit more communities. This milestone also allowed us to celebrate our staff who have been an essential part of maintaining and growing TR as a space that makes a positive impact on surrounding communities. 

4: Nullagine Women’s Art Trip: 

This year we also supported the Nullagine Women’s Art Trip. After having participated in this program for the past 5 years, this year’s trip took place in April out near Nullagine River. 

Creating space for senior artists to facilitate the transmission of cultural knowledge through art. The Irrungadji women in this program act as mentors for junior artists as they share their painting techniques and skills with the younger generation. 

5: Adelaide Office Opening: 

This year, Terra Rosa also expanded interstate, establishing a brand new South Australian office based in Adelaide. This company expansion has seen us facilitate consulting and build more long-term, collaborative and meaningful relationships and partnerships with new clients, stakeholders and staff.

As we move into 2022 and beyond, we have many exciting plans to continue expanding our team in Adelaide and growing our national presence. 

We want to take a moment to thank everyone who has supported us throughout this past year. Of course, it was met with challenges amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and the unavoidable restrictions that came with that. However, with intensive risk management, a committed team and a strong community, TR was able to continue to grow and take on new endeavours. Here’s to 2022!

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