The importance of our Social Surroundings Consultations here at TR.

Since 2020, a higher focus has been placed on assessing the impact of proposed developments on the surrounding cultural and environmental landscapes. To make these assessments TR conducts on-country social surrounds consultations with Traditional Owners which, in turn, forms part of the approvals process under the EPA (Environmental Protection Act) in Western Australia.  Social Surroundings […]

It’s Indigenous Business Month This October!

With 2021 marking Indigenous Business Month’s 7th year, this annual celebration occurring in October is driven by Melbourne Business School’s MURRA Indigenous Business Masterclass program’s alumni.  Focusing on providing positive role models for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people along with increasing self- determination and improving quality of life. Indigenous Business Month aims to show […]

TR Turns 11!

Way back in 2010, Scott had an idea for a heritage consultancy that would make a real difference to the local communities in which they operated. 11 years later, Terra Rosa is an ever-growing consultancy with over 60 team members across two states in Australia, working in partnership with our local communities and helping facilitate […]

Our Reconciliation Journey

Over the past 12 months, the TR team have been working hard on our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), a strategic document that supports our contributions to reconciliation both internally and within the local communities we work in. Designed to advance the five dimensions of reconciliation, this has been a key focus for the TR team […]

Why Team Training Is A Key Value For TR

We’ve always been passionate about team growth and professional development here at TR. Now that we have an ever-growing team, it’s even more important to place the emphasis back on training to make sure we all have equally nuanced understandings of the work we deliver and the context in which we operate in. But what […]

Women’s Nullagine Arts Trip

For the past five years, we’ve been working with the Irrungadji women to run arts programs, creating mentorship opportunities for junior artists. With a strong focus on the Seven Sisters Songline, these arts programs create a space for senior artists to share their painting techniques and skills, helping to facilitate the transmission of cultural knowledge. […]

Fremantle Prison Hospital Project

Throughout December 2020 and January 2021, the team here at TR completed excavations as part of the planned repairs to The Literature Centre, formerly known as Fremantle Prison Hospital. This building was in need of upkeep due to the years of rising damp and other issues that can affect old buildings. Fremantle Prison were allocated […]